
Philippians: An Expositional Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

"Philippians is so simple and at the same time so profound that is speaks profitably to Christians at every level of spiritual understanding, age, and maturity." As James Montgomery Boice points out, no book in the Bible is so filled with joy as Philippians. Even though Paul faced possible execution for his faith, he managed to remain joyful in the midst of terrible circumstances. Beyond...

(where there was much to be thankful about), but also in regard to the believers at Rome (Rom. 1:8) whom he had not yet met and to the believers at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:4) who were behaving badly as Christians and causing him much distress. In his prayers Paul always thanked God for the evidence of spiritual blessing among Christians. Although Paul was sensitive to the problems in his churches, he was even more sensitive to the mercies of God. He knew people’s hearts. He knew that there is no good in
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